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Offering Solutions That Make A Difference

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a statutory requirement for most developmental and industrial activities in our country. It is also being progressively used by financial institutions to assess the soundness of investment in a given project. EIAs are essentially multi-disciplinary activities where inputs are required from specialists having knowledge of the industry/sector for which EIAs are to be carried out as well as in functional areas like land use, air pollution control, air quality modeling, water pollution control, noise and vibration, ecology and bio-diversity, socio-economic aspects, risks, and hazard management, etc.

Environmental Monitoring and Assessment emphasizes technical developments and data arising from environmental monitoring and assessment the use of scientific principles in the design of monitoring systems at the local regional and global scales and the use of monitoring data in assessing the consequences of natural resource management actions and pollution risks to man and the environment.

Environmental Audits play a significant role in Sustainability. It keeps companies and organizations accountable by examining their practices and determining what measures need to be installed to make sure these groups are following the proper regulations. Environmental auditing is carried out when development is already in place and is used to check on existing practices, assessing the environmental effects of current activities (ex-post). Environmental auditing, therefore, provides a 'snap-shot' of looking at what is happening at that point in time in an organization.

Solid waste management is undergoing structural changes, regionally and nationwide, which impact local solid waste management issues and programs. Yet, all local solid waste decision-making takes place, ultimately, in a unique sociopolitical climate. To ensure the greatest likelihood of new program success, it is crucial to determine the needs and concerns of the many stakeholders involved. With their budgets strained and program costs rising, some communities are looking to the private sector to help them manage and operate part of their system. Others are also examining their full costs and charges and implementing rate reform whereby those who generate the most waste pay the most cost – and those who are able to reduce their generation rate are rewarded with lower costs. KAPL prepares innovative, strategic solid waste management plans that address specific client objectives. Such projects often include the review, evaluation, and in-depth analysis of waste management system components – to include waste characterization, collection, transport, storage, processing, and disposal. All of these areas are researched thoroughly, and key stakeholders are involved, so that KAPL can help communities implement successful integrated management approaches that are compatible with, and linked to, other environmental initiatives.

KAPL Hazardous Waste Management service offers complete solutions which include Reuse, recycle, recovery, treatment, and disposal of Hazardous Waste. We accept Hazardous Waste for treatment and disposal at our common facilities where we have a secured Landfill, provide for incineration of Toxic Hazardous Waste and solidification and stabilization of heavy metal-bearing waste.

Large-scale engineering projects often require Solid Waste Management. As part of our commitment to socially responsible engineering, we provide this service for all clients who require it. Our team is flexible and takes all environmental considerations into account to minimize environmental damage.

Kohsa Analytics provides clients with an expert engineering team equipped with diverse skills to meet various challenges across industries. Through Wetland Creation, we leverage our knowledge to reduce risk. We’re constantly looking for new advancements and technologies to find the smartest and most optimal solutions.

Providing Water Treatment is vital to maintaining safety in most projects we undertake at Kohsa Analytics. Whether a project is in the Electrical or Environmental sector Water Treatment is important in order to ensure that all engineering projects completed by our Environmental Engineering Firm are safe, stable, and built to last.

Large-scale engineering projects often require Solid Waste Management. As part of our commitment to socially responsible engineering, we provide this service for all clients who require it. Our team is flexible and takes all environmental considerations into account to minimize environmental damage.
Environmental Services: Services
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